
Cheat River Festival 2016 Photos
Here are this year's photo highlights form the Cheat River Festival in Albright, West Virginia.
I shot a lot of these images with Tara's new Sony A7ii, using my Nikon 50mm f1.2 (borrowing my friend Tim's Nikon lens adapter). They're a great…

Video Shorts
A small collection of short videos I've made over the last year +
In May of 2015, I took a sabbatical to adventure around the South Island of New Zealand. I had made no plans or expectations for this trip, keeping each day and night…

Capturing Lightning
A quick how-to on capturing lightning photos...
STEP 1: know that the elements won't wait...
A good philosophy for photography in general is to always ask "if not now, then when?"
High vantage points are always good for capturing lighting,…
Portfolio Items

Tidal Pools and Black Sand Beaches

Papakōlea Green Sand Beach, Hawaii

Hawaiian Observations

Pololu Valley, Hawaii