
Gone Creekin

Independence Play - 4th of July rafting Youghiogheny River

Cheat River Down River Race 2018 - Massacre-ence

A Hard-boat Lesson
On Sunday the plan was boating the Cheat Canyon! ..and I was in a raft with two of my friends, Lydia and Dani. Though, I was really itching to hard-boat as I had recently found some success on the Cheat Narrows with my friend Everett's Wavesport…

Flat-spired three-toothed snail
Look at what Tara found beside our tent on Sunday night...the endangered Three-Toothed Snail!
The flat-spired three-toothed snail is found only in West Virginia, among Upper Connoquenessing sandstone outcroppings and boulders, in a restricted…

Video Shorts
A small collection of short videos I've made over the last year +
In May of 2015, I took a sabbatical to adventure around the South Island of New Zealand. I had made no plans or expectations for this trip, keeping each day and night…

Squirt Boating Video
Within the world of outdoor adventure there are many subsets of interests, each with their own rabbit hole of fascination and intrigue. This video is found at the bottom of one of these rabbit holes...
In the subset of water sports, there…

Top Yough Race 2015
My Easter weekend got a jump start on Saturday when Garret showed up at my house at 9am, ready to head to the Top Yough Race.
"The Top Yough is a section of the Youghiogheny River, not to be confused with the Upper Yough which is a bit further…

It's climbing season! No, It's Boating Season!!
The plan was to go to the Rec Center and climb after work yesterday. A week ago, Morgantown was shut down from an overnight snow storm, and the days were an hour shorter. This week we gained an hour of daylight! Yesterday, it was pleasantly…