Independence Play - 4th of July rafting Youghiogheny River

Cubs Win NLCS Trophy - Shimrock Wood Art -
Notes from Shim
Warren C. Giles Trophy awarded to the winner of the NLCS (National League Championship Series)
Writing by Dana Shimrock
In the Spring of 2014, a representative of the National Baseball League contacted me. He had received…

Instagram Takeover for AAC
I'm Feeling super stoked to be featured by one of the predominant climbing/outdoor organizations I follow (and proud member of). This week I got invited to takeover the American Alpine Club's Instagram account.
Today is day 4 of the Instagram…

Overlooking the Moon
Writing by Dylan Jones - Photos by Gabe DeWitt
Surrounded by a mess of skis, poles, boots and bags, we piled into the Land Cruiser with high hopes. The moon was just starting to wane, but remained full enough to set the snowy forest ablaze…

Squirt Boating Video
Within the world of outdoor adventure there are many subsets of interests, each with their own rabbit hole of fascination and intrigue. This video is found at the bottom of one of these rabbit holes...
In the subset of water sports, there…