Gone Creekin

Independence Play - 4th of July rafting Youghiogheny River

Coopers Rock 50k 2018

Cheat River Down River Race 2018 - Massacre-ence

Snorkeling Arrecife Francisco I. Madero

Undersea Adventures - Snorkeling in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

2018 Paddling Film Festival's Best Short Film Award

Jack Frost
December 2 36th Annual Jack Frost Celebration - Help open up the season in honor of one our favorite snowy characters. Bring a dish to share Saturday eve and we will provide the rest. White grass will be making a community monetary donation…

Last October Sunrise
"Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought." ~Samuel Clemens
A last October sunrise during a morning walk yesterday with my partner, Tara. I saw the fire red tree a few days prior, but didn't have the time to stop for a closer look.…