Craggin' Classic
Tara and I spent last weekend enjoying the perfect autumn weather camping and climbing at the New River Gorge, and hanging out at the Craggin' Classic. While my hands were busy during the day clinging to rocks, I managed to snap a few shots in…

High Country
The High Country
This photo was captured while camping in the High Country of Yosemite, near May Lake. My topophilia extends beyond the curved boundaries of Yosemite National Park. I see and feel the Milky Way, and my interdependence to the…

Colorado Rocky Mountain High
Back in June I spent a weekend in search of that Rocky Mountain high. While exploring Denver, Boulder, and the local mountainous terrain, I believe I found it!
Here are a few photos and thoughts from my experiences in the…

Bendra Wedding
I've known Ben and Kendra for a quite a while, not as long as many but long enough ...So, after 10+ years of friendship, I was very much honored when they asked me to capture the long awaited Bendra Wedding.
Everything was…

Matanuska Glacier
"To the lover of pure wildness Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world." ~John Muir
to Matanuska Glacier
I arrived in Anchorage late one afternoon (my first trip to Alaska - March 2013), got a few supplies (beer and firewood),…

My friends Ryan and Eric took me out wakeboarding on Cheat Lake last summer, and it's taken me over a year to get around to editing/posting the photos. Thanks for the patients guys!
I had more fun shooting photos of Ryan and Eric…

Little Planet Panorama - using Polar Coordinates
The effect that creates the little planet like images is technically referred to as a Stereographic Projection! It's fun math to think about, and the visual product is intriguing to look at. What happens is a normal image with normal…

Capturing Lightning
A quick how-to on capturing lightning photos...
STEP 1: know that the elements won't wait...
A good philosophy for photography in general is to always ask "if not now, then when?"
High vantage points are always good for capturing lighting,…

Blood Moon
I'm going to try see if I can catch a bit of the lunar eclipse tonight... capturing it back in 2008 was a pretty stellar experience. Perhaps my D800's 36 megapixel FX sensor and high ISO abilities will allow for a little extra detail this…